
In order to understand the evolution, biodiversity and systematics of invertebrates and especially marine ones, my research group addresses four lines of research. First, we use phylogenomic approaches to determine the systematics of our study objects in order to establish a reliable basis for our comparative studies. Secondly, we develop new methods of analysis and write bioinformatics programs to reduce the effect of artificial signals on the results. Third, we assess the biodiversity of marine invertebrates along different coastlines and habitats and delineate their taxonomy. Fourth, we study the evolution of cryptic species and have a particular interest in the phenomenon of stasis, which has been predominantly studied in palaeontology. Little is known about the processes involved in the evolution of cryptic species and whether intrinsic or extrinsic factors are more important. Our research is based on different sources of data from entire genomes to specific genes and morphology. When you follow these links you can learn more about each and the individual project in each of them: